Vice President Recruitment Policy – Procedure Statement
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January 29, 2017
HR Director
Approved By:
When a vacancy or potential vacancy has been identified the President will inform the Board of Governors and the Director, Human Resources. If an executive search firm is to be used, the President will advise the Director, Human Resources on the process and related budget constraints.
The President will establish the search committee which the President may or may not chair. If the President is not chairing the search committee he/she will name a chair of the committee. The composition of the search committee, established by the President, will ensure appropriate representation from Elders, the University community and other appropriate stakeholders and shall be made public prior to the first meeting. The search committee shall operate in a confidential and professional manner. If any of the members of the search committee is related or has a close personal relationship with any of the candidates, the search committee member must declare a conflict of interest/perceived conflict of interest to the search committee chair and withdraw from the committee. The President may appoint a replacement member.
The President will provide a summary of the required knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to be successful in the position and the search committee will be responsible for overseeing the recruitment and selection process based on these criteria. This will include advertising of the position, screening, interviewing and evaluating candidates. The search committee will make a recommendation to the President regarding which candidate best meets the established criteria.
The President will ensure that all applicable reference checks are completed on the top ranked candidate(s).
A verbal offer will be made and any terms and conditions will be negotiated. Once negotiations are completed an offer of employment will be prepared. All other candidates will be informed of the decision in a timely manner by telephone, email or letter.