GROWW (Guiding interdisciplinary Research On Women’s and Girls health and Wellbeing)

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Dr. Brenda Green: Research Team Member & Graduate Student Mentor.

A training program in Women & Girls’ Health and Wellbeing that breaks the mold of traditional work done in disciplinary and individual institutional silos is urgently needed to build capacity, enhance collaboration, and maximize the impact of Women’s & Girls’ health research in Canada. To date, significant funding for women’s health research in Canada has been concentrated in a handful of Women’s Health Institutes and has constrained the number of students and faculty (including those at non-U15 institutions) who benefit from the funding and philanthropy available on for work in these domains. Recognizing the need to counter the current siloed models of women’s health research in Canada, we have brought together a network of academics, clinicians, and community/industry partners from across 8 provinces, 1 territory, and 23 academic institutions (including 11 non-U15 institutions) to create a truly unrestricted and novel interdisciplinary, interjurisdictional and intersectoral training program. In addition to providing skills to trainees that will launch highly successful academic careers, this program will also prepare trainees to thrive in a broad range of non-academic career paths, advocating and improving Women’s & Girl’s Health and Wellbeing in Canada and internationally.

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