Teaching & Learning is the foundation of a transformative education experience. The annual First Nations University of Canada institutional academic plan provides a detailed and accurate overview for what is expected for the delivery of FNUniv academic programs for that academic year in alignment with budget. The purpose of this policy is to develop and implement a consistent, transparent and accurate academic plan and associated Program budgets which guides academic operations and administration for that year.
Annual and long-range planning is critical to the proper functioning of the institution and the ability of the institution to provide programs which fulfil the needs of the communities and students which FNUniv serves. Annual academic plans are essential to guide the academic operations of the institution.
Because of the nature of academic operations, it is recognized that such planning involves the need for flexibility in the allocation of resources, consistent with fair treatment of academic staff members and in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreements. As such, academic and long-range planning is conducted in consultation with faculty.
Academic planning will be undertaken in a spirit of collegiality, with open communication consistent with First Nations values.
The institutional academic plan is derived based on consolidating individual program plans and budgets. Annual academic program plans and budgets, as developed by the Program Councils, include detailed course information and budget required for Year 1, as well as projected course schedule for Year 2 to support longer term planning and U if R scheduling requirements. The annual program plan is based on a standard template which includes the following content:
Annual program academic plans and budgets are recommended by Program Councils and submitted to the Associate Deans for review and recommendation to the Vice-President, Academic for final approval.
The budget approval process is separate to this and requires review and approvals in conjunction with the Vice-President, Finance & Administration, President and Board of Governors.
The following provides a high-level overview of key timelines as it relates to academic plan and Program budget development:
By September 15 | Academic planning kickoff meeting led by Vice-President, Academic |
Before September 30 | Student Success Services meets with Associate Deans to share summary of student needs as input into academic planning |
By October 1 | Budget sheets including mandate will be sent to the Associate Deans as input for the academic Program plan and budget development process |
Month of October | Meetings between Associate Deans, Program Coordinators and Program Councils |
By November 8 | Initial draft of Program Academic Plans & Budgets to Associate Deans |
November 15 | Revised draft of Program Academic Plans & Budgets to Associate Deans |
November 22 | Consolidated institutional Academic Plan & Budget to Vice-President, Academic |
November 30 | Consolidated Academic Budget and associated business cases submitted to Finance |
December 15 | Consolidated budget review complete |
December 31 | Approval of consolidated budget by President |
January 15 | Deadline for preparation of submission to the Board of Governors |
Last weekend of January | Consolidated budget presented to the Board of Governors for approval |
February 28 | Approved budgets sent out to Faculties |
Academic planning is essential to provide a detailed and accurate overview of what is expected for delivery of academic programs along with staffing and financial requirements. Timely submission of academic plans is critical to feed into the budget process and meet University of Regina scheduling requirements and associated deadlines.
In addition, operating deficits lead to financial distress and must be avoided. Therefore, a balanced financial projection is mandatory and strict adherence to budget limits during the year will be enforced subject to the overall performance of the University.
Noncompliance by any employee may result in disciplinary action.
The following process map demonstrates the key steps involved with execution of this policy:
Annual Academic Plan & Budget Template