Teaching & Learning and Student Success are two strategic processes highlighted in the Strategic Plan to set the foundation of a transformative education experience and ensure academic and career success for all students. As such, faculty and academic staff play an integral role in delivering on these strategic processes. FNUniv may contract with Sessional Lecturers, Teaching Assistants, Lab Instructors, Guest Lecturers, Student Support (Tutors and Invigilators), Field Supervisors and Practicum Supervisors to ensure the required resource capacity to deliver on the institutional academic plan.
All Sessional Academic Staff appointments shall be made by FNUniv after teaching duties have been assigned to faculty academic staff members and in consideration of recommendations from the appropriate Program Coordinator and Associate Deans, and appropriate budget approval. Work in the bargaining unit will be assigned following the process of internal and external posting. All offers will be made in writing (normally via electronic e-mail), with a copy to the Faculty Association. Appointment of sessional lecturers requires prior approval of recommended candidates’ academic qualifications from the University of Regina.
In accordance with Article 5 – Affirming Diversity in the 2017-2019 Sessional Academic Staff Members Agreement priority is to be given to qualified First Nations and other Indigenous candidates when posting and making appointments for Sessional Academic Staff positions. Sessional positions may be offered to qualified First Nations and other Indigenous applicants on a priority basis.
In advance of Sessional Academic Staff positions being posted, Sessional including out-of-scope persons who have taught the course(s) in question at least three times, will be contacted by Human Resources by e-mail to determine whether they are interested in teaching one or more sections of the course. These e-mails will be copied to the Faculty Association. The Sessional Instructor will have seven (7) days from the date on which the e-mail was sent to respond to the offer, indicating their acceptance of the offer to teach the course(s), and their desired sections. If more than one applicant desires the same section, the considerations outlined in Section 17.7 of the Academic Staff Members Agreement will apply.
If a Sessional Academic Staff position is not filled through the process outlined above, it will be posted in two stages: internally, for a period of two (2) weeks; then, if the position has not been filled, externally, for a period two (2) weeks.
Job postings shall be posted at least three months before the beginning of the semester to which they apply. All internal job postings shall be posted on the first business day of the month; the closing date for receipt of applications shall be the fourteenth day of the same month. All external job postings shall be posted within ten (10) business days thereafter.
Each job posting shall include the qualifications, type of position, course number, title, location, delivery mode, anticipated enrolment, salary range, TA support, start and end date of the contract, day and time of the course (where these are known), a commitment to equity in hiring in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 – Affirming Diversity, and a statement that this is a unionized position.
The following table provides deadlines for hiring steps by semester:
Hiring Step | For Fall | For Winter | For Spring/Summer |
Associate Dean consults with HR on hiring needs | Early March | Early September | Early January |
HR sends Pre-Posting Offers (if applicable) | Mid-March | By Mid-September | By Mid-January |
Initial assignment of courses from Pre-Posting Offers by Associate Dean | By End of March | By End of September | By End of January |
Unassigned positions advertised internally | 1st Business Day in April | 1st Business Day in October | 1st Business Day in February |
Unassigned positions advertised externally | Within 10 days of Internal Post Closing | Within 10 days of Internal Post Closing | Within 10 days of Internal Post Closing |
All positions assigned | By End of May | By Early November | By Mid-March |
Contracts completed | By End of June | By Mid-November | By End of March |
Creation of new instructor accounts should be completed as soon as a new instructor or sessional is hired. See associated procedure 4.3.1 Account Creations.
Not hiring required academic staff according to set timelines for each semester creates significant risk to being ready for class start date, including having required textbooks available for students in advance of course start. As such, noncompliance with this policy has negative consequences for instructors and students.
The following process map demonstrates the key steps involved with execution of this policy:
2017-2019 Sessional Academic Staff Members Agreement
4.3.1 Account Creation Procedure
Pre-Posting Offer Email Template
Job Posting Template
Letter of Offer Template