Board of Governors Terms of Reference

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Last Revised:
May 26, 2024
Governance & Human Resources Committee
Approved By:
Board of Governors
Secretary to the Board (306) 790-5950 ext. 2100


The First Nations University of Canada Board of Governors is established under the authority of An Act Respecting the First Nations University of Canada.


The Board of Governors’ responsibilities are outlined in An Act Respecting the First Nations University of Canada, Part III.


The composition of the Board is outlined in An Act Respecting The First Nations University of Canada, Part IV.

    Resource People

    • President of the First Nations University of Canada
    • Secretary to the Board
    • Vice-Presidents
    • Associate Dean Academic; Associate Dean Community Research and Graduate Programs
    • Other Directors as may be appointed from time to time by the President.

    Term of Office

    • Each Board member is appointed for a three-year term and may be re-appointed for one more three-year term. (A Board member may serve no more than two consecutive three-year terms.)
    • Elder advisors and faculty and student observers to the Board are appointed for three-year terms.


    The Board, through its standing committees:

    1. Recruits Board members {FNUniv Act, Articles 22 to 31}; {FNUniv Regulations #4.15 (b) (c) (d)}; {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference};
    2. Elects the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board {FNUniv Act, Article 15}; {FNUniv Regulations #6.1(1), #6.2(a)}; {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference};
    3. Determines Board member committee assignments and committee chair assignments {FNUniv Regulations #7.5 (e) (f)}; {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference};
    4. Orientates and develops Board members {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference}; {New Board Member Orientation Policy}; {FNUniv Regulations #3.1}
    5. Develops terms of reference for the Board and Board committees {FNUniv Regulations #4.6}; {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference};
    6. Prepares work plans for the Board committees {Terms of References};
    7. Evaluates the performance of the Board, Board Chair, Board members, and committees {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference}; {FNUniv Regulations #6.1(2), #7.5(e)}
    8. Establishes and manages Board policy and protocols {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference}; {FNUniv Act Articles 13(k)(l)}; {FNUniv Regulations #3.1}
    9. Oversees the recruitment, nomination, appointment, duties, tenure, and compensation of the President and the evaluation of the President’s performance. {FNUniv Act, Articles 9 to 12}; {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference};
    10. Ensures the University complies with legislative and regulatory agencies {Terms of References}
    11. Reviews, evaluates, revises, and/or monitors:
      • An Act Respecting the First Nations University of Canada {Governance & Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference};
      • The University’s strategic plan {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference};
      • Assets/real property {FNUniv Regulations #2.1(f)}
      • Federation or partnership agreements, MOUs, and protocols {FNUniv Regulations #2.1(d)}; {Terms of References}
      • Major public disclosures regarding the Board {Governance & Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference};
      • Annual Budget and Operations Forecast {Signing Authorities Policy}; {Audit, Finance and Risk Committee Terms of Reference}; {FNUniv Regulations #2.1(k)}
      • Research contracts {Signing Authorities Policy};
      • Project contracts {Procurement Policy}; {Audit, Finance and Risk Committee Terms of Reference};
      • Expense reports for the Board and University executives {Audit, Finance and Risk Committee Terms of Reference};
      • The Post-Secondary Partnership Program (PSPP) Application {Audit, Finance and Risk Committee Terms of Reference};
      • Nominations for appointment of the external auditor {Audit, Finance and Risk Committee Terms of Reference};
      • Performance of the external auditor {Audit, Finance and Risk Committee Terms of Reference}; {FNUniv Regulations #2.1(g)}
      • Financial reports and audited financial statements {Audit, Finance and Risk Committee Terms of Reference};
      • Collective agreements {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference};
      • Framework governing staff benefits {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference};
      • Governance and performance of staff pension plans { Audit, Finance and Risk Committee Terms of Reference};
      • Plans for recruiting administrative and support staff and/or changing administrative and support staff levels {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference};
      • Contracts for service and matters relating to academic staff {Audit, Finance and Risk Committee Terms of Reference};
      • President’s recommendations on compensation for out-of-scope employees {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference};
      • Framework governing remuneration, retirement, and superannuation of the President and senior administrators {Governance and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference}; and
      • University governance policy (signing authorities, locus of policy decision-making, financial oversight, environmental protection, health and safety, insurance, disaster response and recovery, business continuity, liability protection, ethical conduct, compensation and benefits) {FNUniv Act}; {Terms of References}

    Meetings and Quorum

    • The Board meets a minimum of 4 times per year, normally during every quarter.
    • The Chair of the Board or the Board Secretary, at the request of the President after consultation with the Chair, may call a meeting.
    • A quorum of the Board is 50 percent plus one of the voting members.

    Reporting Requirements

    The Board reports to:

    • The Education and Training Commission of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations and/or Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Executive Council {FNUniv Act, Article 13(e) and FNUniv Regulations #2.2(e)} as required.
    • The Chiefs-in-Assembly {FNUniv Act, Article 13(f) and FNUniv Regulations #2.2(f)} at every scheduled Chiefs-in-Assembly meeting (normally twice per year).
    • Its major stakeholders (i.e. Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, Province of Saskatchewan, Federal Government) through the publication of its approved financial statements and annual report, normally published in September.
    • Other stakeholders (i.e. University of Regina) as required.


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