Honouring the Children Feast

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Honouring the Children Feast

July 17, 2024

In May 2021, the remains of 215 children were found on the Kamloops Indian Residential School grounds on the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation, BC. This news devasted Indigenous Peoples across North America, and we felt the loss within our university community. We mourned the loss of the children and recognized the grief all families and communities endured across Canada.

Since that day, the number of unmarked graves has increased substantially to over 1,000 and more Indian Residential School sites were surveyed by GPS. Shortly after the news broke, FNUniv committed to feast for four years in honour of all the children who didn’t make it home from Indian Residential Schools.

2024 marked the final feast in their honour, held on July 11, 2024, at the Regina Campus.

We continue to honour the children, their memory and that of all residential school survivors.

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