
Home / About Us / Policies / Procurement
All University Personnel
Last Revised:
February 28, 2021
Approved By:
Board of Governors
President’s Office (306) 790-5950 ext. 2100


The University has a commitment to acquiring products and services with a basic reference to the maximum value possible and subject to a fair and open competitive tendering process for all interested, qualified suppliers in the context of terms and conditions imposed by the University, its donors, grantors and government agencies.


This policy applies to the acquisition of goods and services for the University.


“Addendum” – a change or revision to a tender document already in circulation;

“Bid” – a product or service being acquired at a cumulative cost of between $5,000 and $9,999 requiring the University to receive at least two verbal submissions, if possible, from viable suppliers prior to selection of the purchase source;

“Tender” – a product or service being acquired at a cumulative cost of between $10,000 and $99,999 requiring the University to receive at least two written submissions, if possible, from viable suppliers prior to selection of the purchase source;

“Request for Proposal (RFP)” – a product or service being acquired at a cumulative cost of $100,000 or more requiring the University to receive at least three formal written submissions, if possible, from viable suppliers prior to the selection of the purchase source;

“Tendering Request” – a written or verbal summary provided to suppliers of all relevant details associated with a request for the provision of a product or service to the University;

“Sole Source” – any contract entered into without a competitive process, based on a justification that only one known source exists or that only one single supplier can fulfill the requirements.

Policy Statement

The policy states the following:

  1. The University’s procurement policy is based on the fundamental principles of open and effective competition, best overall value for money spent, enhancing where reasonably possible the capabilities of First Nations businesses, local business and industry, environmental protection and ethical behavior and fair dealing.
  2. Tendering and/or quotation of products and services as determined by established monetary thresholds (see “Definitions”) will be completed by Finance in consultation with the individual department requesting the product or service.

Consequences for Noncompliance

Failure to comply with this policy could result in damage to the University’s image and integrity within the community; however, it will not generally be feasible to correct the situation retroactively due to agreed contractual arrangements in place. For this reason, noncompliance by any employee will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

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